Federal Bureau
of Investigation
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Barren County
Web Site

- Inmates will rise at 6:00am. Inmate beds are to be made at 6:00am. Morning cleaning supplies will be issued to the cell at 6:00am and removed at 7:00am. Afternoon cleaning supplies will be issued at 6:00pm and removed at 7:00pm. Inmates are not to be under their blankets from 6:00am to 6:00pm Inmates may lay on their bed during the day, but not under blankets.
- Lights will be turned on at 6:00am and off at 10:00pm. Televisions will be turned off at 11:00pm.
- Head count will be conduct at 7:00am, 3:00pm and 11:00pm. During head count at 7am & 3pm you will be required to stand at the end of your bunk fully dressed with jail issued identification card present.
- Meals will be served at 6:00am, 11:00am & 4:00pm. All inmates are required to come to the cell door fully dressed with jail issued identification card for roll call.
- All mail must have return addressed or it will be placed in the inmate's property. Inmate to inmate mail is not permitted. All legal mail will be opened and inspected in front of the inmate. Only blue or black ink is permitted when receiving mail. No colored ink, crayons, markers, glue, glitter, discolorations, scented paper, newspaper clippings, internet printed, magazine items etc. are permitted in or on the mail.
- Visitation will be on site Monday thru Saturday 8:00am to 4:00pm. You will be allowed (2) visits weekly. At home visits can be scheduled everyday of the week from 7:00am to 10:00pm@ www.videovisitanywhere.com
- Commissary will be run on Monday's, Thursday's, and Friday's, or at the Jailers discretion. Commissary request will be picked up by 6:00am on these days. Commissary is a privilege, NOT a right.
- Inmates will always conduct themselves in a quiet and orderly manner.
- Destruction of jail property will not be tolerated. Inmates will be responsible for reimbursement for any damaged property.
- There will be no sheets, blankets, shirts, pants, towels etc. hanging from the bunks at any time. No paper, stickers or pictures or adhesives will be allowed on the walls or bunks.
- All inmates will shower and use good hygiene.
- Each inmate will be furnished soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, (2) undergarments, (1) towel, (2) sheets, (1) blanket, (1) mattress and (2) uniforms.
- Inmates will have access to purchase hygiene items. Indigent inmates will be provided with hygiene items.
- All inmates are permitted white undergarments upon admission. Socks can be purchased from commissary. No underwires are permitted in bras.
- All money will be logged on the inmates account. Receipts are provided for each transaction.
- There will be not contact between cells permitted.
- All phone calls and visits are subject to being monitored and recorded.
- All excess property must be sent out within (30) days of booking date or it will be disposed of.
- Each inmate will be allowed to have (5) photos. No photos larger that 5x7 are permitted. No computer generated or polaroid's photos are allowed. No nudity, gang related, or obscene gestures are permitted in the photos.
- No inmate should be standing at the cell door unless summoned by a Deputy.
- Any inmate who has loss of property at the time of release must make a written complaint to the Jailer within (48} hours of their release.
- Any inmate who is released and had money remaining on their account and owes no jail fees will have a check mailed to them within (30) days of their release.
- You are required to follow and abide by all rules and regulations issued by the Facility and Dept. of Corrections.
Inmate Rights |
- Inmates have the right to be informed in writing of all rules, regulations, schedules, and disciplinary actions used at the Barren County Detention Center.
- All inmates are entitled to health care comparable to that available to citizens in the surrounding community. Medical care will be under the direction of Southern Health Partners.
- All inmates are encouraged to maintain their personal hygiene.
- Every reasonable attempt shall be made to facilitate the religious beliefs of inmates.
- No inmate shall be discriminated against because of their race or religion.
- The right to access the courts is a fundamental right of all US citizens.
- Inmates are encouraged to maintain contact with their family or friends.
- Inmates shall be allowed to file a grievance at such time he or she believes they have subject to abuse, harassment, abridgement of civil rights, or denied privileges as specified in the rules.